There are different types of funds and private investors. Given the COVID-19 crisis or others, many of them may tighten their investment criteria or stop investing altogether – but they will never admit it. So, you will never know about it and will continue to spend your time on meetings in vain. For startups, as never before, it is important to closely monitor the experience of funds in order to increase chances of making a successful deal.
For obvious reasons anything medicine-related will be of great interest to investors. The Fintech industry can benefit as well, especially those who work with p2p payments and processing/escrow solutions for freelancers and people working remotely all over the world. Gig economy and remote working are just booming right now. You can also see a rising demand for p2p и p2b lending solutions.
Also, during this time of self-isolation, media platforms, news resources and social networks will be in a good position.
by Andrey Sergeenkov